The Benefits of Bilingual Virtual Receptionists For Your Business

Our bilingual virtual receptionists are ready to transform your business and make sure you never miss another client. Find out about NexaReceptionists.

Our bilingual virtual receptionists are ready to transform your business and make sure you never miss another client.

A Bilingual World

Nexa is based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona is a state with one of the highest Spanish speaking populations in the country. The United States is heavily populated with Spanish speakers: “41 million native speakers and 12 million bilingual people, the United States is already the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world”, according to Quartz Media.That same report goes on to explain that if current statistics carry on a similar projection, the United States will have the largest Spanish speaking population in the world by 2050.These statistics are well and good to think about the future. But what do they mean for your business today?If you haven’t been considering your Spanish speaking clients already, you’ve been losing out on business without even realizing it.Cura Resource Group says, “Language barriers are just that: barriers. The fact is, if your company isn’t tapping into its entire community and catering to its unique needs with bilingual customer service representatives, you could be losing out on sizable profits.”However, you’re a business owner. You’re already thinking about your team, business, company culture, and current clients.Learning Spanish is a smart idea for you and your team. However, you can’t guarantee that you’ll be ready when an important Spanish speaking client needs you.

Se Habla Español

Nexa has been serving customers across the country for the last 30 years. However, we saw a need in the market for versatile, bilingual team members. Our virtual receptionists are available 24/7/365. The next step was to make sure that not only are we always available, that we are always available to everyone.When signing up with Nexa, you go to program your account with an account specialist. Multiple options are available to specialize the way your company will use a virtual receptionist. One of those options is our bilingual service. Nexa will then place your future calls in a specific queue of Spanish speaking receptionists.

Meet Monica

Monica Herrera has been a member of the Nexa team since 2013. Even though she’s currently working as an Account Executive, she assisted clients as a virtual receptionist for three years. “Spanish was actually my first language,” she explained, “so I was more than prepared to be assigned Spanish speaking callers.“Having a bilingual team member really makes a difference. When I spoke to someone who had been put on hold with an English speaker, they were relieved to be understood,” Monica said.Nexa’s virtual receptionists are trained and placed into industry-specific teams. Whether your company is in the legal, medical, real estate, or any other field, our team is trained in the vernacular necessary to handle your clients with careful professionalism.Accordingly, Nexa has a set team of bilingual team members who are also trained in these terms, so you can reach the highest number of leads possible. Monica thinks it is one of the best parts of working with Nexa: “When we say we want to be an extension to your business, this is the perfect example of that working in action. “

Spanish in Action

Clients have been open about the benefits of having bilingual team members. Saienni Law Firm has been using Nexa for years, and their small team needed help reaching all potential clients. “I realized after exploring alternative options to Nexa that no one else could do what was so important for Saienni Law,” said Joe Saienni.Brooke Jolley, another crucial member of the firm’s team, said they’ve seen a substantial increase in prospective clients since using our Spanish speaking virtual receptionists.“None of us at the firm speak Spanish. We were missing out on a lot of calls in years past. Thanks to Nexa handling the language barrier, we’re reaching a whole new demographic.”Read more about the benefits Nexa has brought to Saienni Law Firm here.

Move Forward with NexaReceptionists

Multiple decades of experience serving Spanish-speaking clientele has prepared us for the present, where one-third of Spanish speakers in the United States rate their English proficiency as below average.Your company must be ready to serve every possible client with courtesy, professionalism, and in-depth understanding. If not, you are already behind your competition.Contact Nexa today and let us reach every possible client so your business can reach its full potential.


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